
1. Subject 16's voice sounds different doesn't it? That is because in II and Brotherhood, he is voiced by Cam Clarke; a legend of the voice acting industry. He has voice acted for an impressive number of roles.  Nevertheless, Ubisoft got rid of him and instead hired Graham Cuthbertson. I have no idea why they did this or even if it was their fault (that's what happens when you have an industry ran by shady corporations). But I can say for sure, that Cuthbertson had done acting in movies and we all know how much Ubisoft love hollywood....
One must admire the genius of Desilets. Weaving his lore through the common tropes of mythology is genius.
2. "The past: a vast web of connections and interconnections all ruled by chance, Or is it?"
The point here is quite poignant. We are taught in School that history is a random affair, that there is no trend. But those who study history properly will notice how history tends to rhyme. History is written by the ruling class, they being the most literate at their time. How natural as they are the dictators of the course of history. They make all the big political decisions and have the most influence over society. 
Clever, that this mundane fact is used by Desilets and his team to construct the facade of a fantastical history wide conspiracy.
Notice that Napoleon and Washington are depicted as holders of pieces of Eden. I can say for sure that Washington was a Templar. His piece of Eden was PE3. It went on to be inherited by the presidents until it was seized by Abstergo, to prevent JFK using it to reform American society. The most interesting piece of Eden is that of Elizabeth's: PE2; this was Altair's piece of Eden. It was sealed in Cyprus (as told in the codex) and then taken by the Spaniard. Ezio managed to steal it and from there it ended up in the hands of Queen Elizabeth I. Centuries later, Mahatma Ghandi used it to rebel against the British government who likely were using the PE to subjugate India. The Templars managed to get it back after killing him. Afterwards, Abstergo used it in their failed DIA satellite launch. It's amazing how Desilets managed to make it so that you could track the PEs throughout history. That's what happens when you have a skilled writer on board rather then just fire and hire whoever works for as little pay as possible.
Napoleon's PE ended up with Houdini of all people. I'm almost certain Napoleon was a Templar. If he wasn't Desilets missed a perfect opportunity. Here's a quote from Napoleon after being accused of handing out too many awards termed as baubles: "It is with baubles that men are led."
Seriously, real missed opportunity. Of course, Ubisoft made out Washington and Napoleon to be Assassins. That was so they could comfortably rub shoulders with the protagonists and feature in the trailers. They were treated like celebrities and acted like they were from a children's wax museum. It was cheaper than hiring celebrity voice actors.
3. Yep. The truth is all there. The pieces of Eden were inherited or stolen. I guess, Ubisoft's writers didn't care much to bother watching these videos otherwise they could have had a solid plot. But then again, solid plots don't make money according to the infinite wisdom of the great, all-knowing game industry executives. They also said Assassin's creed wouldn't sell when Desilets pitched it to them, so we know the gaming industry is in the right hands.

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