The Codex 11: Resurrection

Attis. Dionysus. Horus. Krishna. Mithra. Jesus. Similar stories color their lives. Too similar, I think. Divine birthright. Persecution. Disciples. Miraculous acts. Resurrection...

How is it possible?

Perhaps it isn't... Merely a single story told over the ages? Borrowed then changed to fit the times? Evolving as our tools and language do? Is this tale borne of fact or fiction? A bit of both? Could these figures be the same person – their life extended and transformed by a Piece of Eden?

Al Mualim spoke of Jesus as a real person – a mortal who had mastered the arts of manipulation. But what if he was wrong? If these men are real – and if they have walked amongst us many times before – does it mean they'll come again? Perhaps they are here now? So many questions, and every day, even more...

Commentary: The persecuted savior is a common trope throughout human myth. Here Desilets and his team are teasing the possibility of something more to do with the coincidences between these mythological figures. Its certainly food for thought. Its quite likely that the "savior" figure is based on a real first civ person or even an ancient human. It is also quite possible that the piece of Eden could be used to access memories in one's DNA and hence use the bleeding effect to essentially "reincarnate" certain peoples. This could be Desmond's fate, or at least it would have been, were it not for Video Game IP ownership laws.  
Still, it is fun to speculate and healthy for one's imagination. On a side note, I've always adored Altair's curiosity. Not many characters are so contemplative and inquisitive in Video Games. Even, fewer characters develop this behavior after being forced to doubt their own arrogant reality. But here we can see that Altair's curiosity can be a weakness as well as a strength.

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