The Codex 25: Amor


Commentary: When looking at this picture I noticed something interesting. As one goes through the codex, Altair begins adopting Renaissance styles and customs. Compare this picture to his earlier works and it becomes clear that he is moving away from the art style of the Medieval ages: (depicting such things as battles and religious iconography using more symbolic representations rather then depicting what is seen) and adopting a more realistic, humanist style, focusing on an actual person and using shading to mimic depth of field. Its a remarkable attention to detail on the part of the creators.
I wish we could have seen more of Maria Thorpe. She must have had an interesting story, she and Altair both. But sadly, Ubisoft had little faith in Desilets' Assassin's creed project and so production was cut to a fraction of the epic that was to be Altair's story. We can only really speculate now as to what happened between the two that brought them together and why Maria abandoned the Templars for the Assassin cause.
The scene in Acre suggests that they were meeting in secret, even as Maria was still apart of the Templars, given her regalia. 
I guess it will just be left to the imagination for now.

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