The Codex 23: Flight of the Eagle


Commentary: The arabic reads north, south, east and west. Various Assassin moves are displaced here. All based on the animations of Assassin's creed I and Assassin's creed II. Fun fact: Desilets mentioned in a talk how he valued the work of his animator who did all of his character animations in his games from Prince of Persia Sands of time to his newest project Ancestors: A humankind Odyssey. When you look at the animation in AC I and II, you can really admire how close to reality it is. This becomes more apparent when the animation gets replaced in AC3 and suddenly it becomes clunky and a little unbelievable. Then you see Unity onward and it looks like the protagonist is made out of helium. Even the facial animation. Watch a character who isn't talking in a scene in AC II. Their face is full of little bits of emotion, reactions happening during the conversation. I cannot quite recall who the animator's name was (apparently he's quite secretive) but I think it may be Rafik Guertin Bentaieb. Anyway, if you want anyone to thank for Ezio's cool stride or Altair's dramatic assassinations its him.

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