1. The staff, the sword, the shroud and the apple. The pieces of Eden were used to make humanity. Primitive apes were changed to resemble the first civ. But they were nothing more than slaves, just machines made of flesh.
I think Des and his team made a mistake with subject 16, he claims to experience what is supposed to be many deaths but that's impossible. If one of his ancestors died before passing on their genes then it wouldn't be possible for him to exist. Maybe you could explain it as being hallucinogenic? Or perhaps they are just injuries? I think it was just an oversight by Des and his team. Well, everbody makes mistakes. I don't mind the occasional plothole just so long as its not too frequent or doesn't break the entire plot. "Cough." Ubisoft. "Cough."
This is the best puzzle. It shows how the maxim of the Assassins is integrated into the game play. You need to open your mind to play, you need to think for yourself. In a world of games, movies, news outlets all telling us how to think, Assassin's Creed asked us to be free. 
Well, it did. At least we got two games out of it.
And then there's 16's suicide. Note he calls out to Lucy. But isn't Lucy a Templar? No, She isn't. Why would you make a plot twist showing Lucy as an Assassin and then make another for her as a Templar. Why would you ruin the character arc for a cheap plot twist at the end of your game? Oh yeah, because it means everyone will buy Revelations to find out what happened. Of course, then you can charge for the DLC. 
I'm sorry, I wanted to do this without talking about Ubisoft but its hard. Its hard to see something that once gave me a little bit of joy and provoked the opening of my mind to be wretched away from its original creators and used for single minded profit.
How did this happen? How did it come to pass that the IP is owned by the publisher and not the creator? Nevermind, as for the video, your guess is as good as mine. We'll never know the true story.

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